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Top 10 search results for "has anyone taken progesterone pills to regulate your cycle have you had any side effects from it" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

No Periods

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

Anyone else NEVER get a period?

I only do when I take Provera.

I have already tried Metformin, Vitex, weight loss, exercise, clean eating. Still have never had a cycle on my own.

I just started taking inositol, so I'll give that a shot for a few months to see if that helps at all. Any other ideas? Is there anything you have been able to do to naturally get a period?

A myPCOSteam Member

Iā€™m the same.,.I havenā€™t had a period in so long and Iā€™m trying to regulate my hormones so I can get one..I know of a YouTuber who had pcos and she didnā€™t have her period for 6 years die to pcos

Prolonged Bleeding

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

I have been bleeding for 9 months every day it started of light but has gotten heavier i have been to the gynocologist all she wants is to push pills at the problem which iā€™m not too keen on i am not sure whats happening but for the last few weeks i have low energy and have to have a nap every day to get through the day i am just wondering if anyone knows any solutions to stop the bleeding which isnt pills

A myPCOSteam Member

I have had my cycle for a month now. I went to my gyno and the first thing she tried to give me was bcšŸ˜’. I declined and she did some blood work and ultrasound and everything came back normal. They areā€¦ read more

Jawline/Chin Acne Recommendations

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

Does anyone have any recommendations for products to clear jawline/chin acne? I'm trying to conceive and have been off birth control for almost a year now and my skin is breaking out and I get white heads and blackheads constantly now. When I treat the pimples, my skin gets red, itchy, and flaky instead so it feels like a losing battle. I need something vegan and cruelty free and safe for conception/pregnancy. Any advice?

A myPCOSteam Member

Taking inositol powder decreased my acne. I was having a lot building up under and on my jawline and chin. Inositol got rid of most of that for me , brought my period back and decreased my cravingsā€¦ read more

Any Otherā€™s Who Have Or Had A Mirena IUD And Thoughts On It?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

SOS, I need advice and personal stories. Iā€™ve had Mirena for about two years now. I simply wanted it for its sole purpose as birth control. Due to insurance issues and what not, mirena covered my IUD for me so i was limited to options as to which IUD was good or best for me. I tried a bunch of different birth control pills before and I hated every single one of them. I either bled every two weeks, gained excessive weight, or was a moody b*tch. My mom still thinks my moods swings may be cauasedā€¦ read more

A myPCOSteam Member

Iud I was on before yes for me I was moody.

No Period For 7 Months

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

Hi. I am writing to ask you what you think about this situation. My daughter is 22 and used to get her period, but was irregular. All of a sudden she stopped getting it for months, was on birth control but hated the side effects so I took her to an endocrinologist who felt she had PCOS based on all the blood workup that was done. She put her on Metformin and my daughter started to get her period again but then it stopped. Right now her metabolism is good, her testosterone levels are goodā€¦ read more

A myPCOSteam Member

I can't explain acupuncture and how it works, but I can say that it works. I was taking the medroxyprogesterone every 3 months to make my period start. It just so happened that i started my very firstā€¦ read more

Since January Iā€™ve Had Regular Cycles. Itā€™s Always Been Irregular. Any Insight On Why?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

Iā€™m 37 and have had my cycle for well over 20 years. Since my cycle started, itā€™s been irregular. I canā€™t remember a time when it was regular. Iā€™ve had to take progesterone at times too. I have two children that were conceived when I wasnā€™t aware that I had ovulated. After the birth of my youngest child in 2016, I began to experience a cycle every two weeks. I began taking oral contraceptives to deal with the cycles. I stopped a few months ago. Now, Iā€™m getting a cycle every 30-35 days. Hasā€¦ read more

A myPCOSteam Member

In 2013 I got pregnant and lost my baby at 18 weeks. After the miscarriage Iā€™ve had a regular menstral cycles every 29-32 days. All of a sudden no menstral cycle this month. I took a pregnancy testā€¦ read more

I Have A Lot Of Acne, And I Am Wondering If Anyone Has Found Any Product Thatā€™s Been Successful Or Tips To Help Clear It Up Abit?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­
A myPCOSteam Member

And acutane is such an intense option Iā€™d more likely recommend spironolactone if youā€™re looking for a medication option! Iā€™ve never taken it myself though but my friend is someone that really hatesā€¦ read more

Can Anyone Offer A Non-birth Control Option To Help Treat My High Testosterone?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

So I had my annual labs done and no shocker, my testosterone is high (which I know is common for PCOS women). This is the highest it has ever been for me though. My OB/GYN wants me to start birth control to treat my endometriosis and my high testosterone but since we are trying to get pregnant (constantly hoping for a ttc miracle) I really want to avoid this. My testosterone was 63. Any ideas?

A myPCOSteam Member

I had very high testosterone 7 months ago and my endocrinologist prescribed me Finasteride daily and I just did my labs a week ago and my levels were back to normal.

10 Day Progesterone I Always Seem To Spot Starting Day 4 And Feel Like Period Is Starting . Anyone Else Go Through This ?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

2nd cycle of progesterone 200mg to restart cycles

A myPCOSteam Member

Yeah I definitely start a flow after the 10 days but the spotting is before . Did your doc tell you this was normal ?

Abnormal Bleeding !

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

Hello Everyone!

Has anyone else experienced prolonged bleeding while having PCOS?? Iā€™ve had this ā€œperiodā€ since December 2017 and was recently put on birth control to stop the bleeding due to becoming anemic. Iā€™ve had a Pap smear and it came back ā€œnormalā€. Is there something out there (besides birth control) I can take to stop this issue?

Thank you,

A myPCOSteam Member

The longest periode n my fiancĆ© remember me having was about a month and it was making my depression worse than it usually is as I'm on medication for my depression, but I was diagnosed withā€¦ read more