Do Some Of You Have Weird Nails?
Yesterday i discovered that my toenails are doing some weird thing. The new part of the nail is very hard, has ridges and is higher than the rest of the nail. I read it could have multiple things it could come from, like thyroid, diabetes and a heartattack. As those sometimes come in pcos, not the heartattack, but you know blood pressure from stress and all. Pictue is in the next bit, so i dont shock people.
I know what it is now, beau's lines. Some kind of trauma happend and this is the result. My 2 toes next to it have it too.
When i made the picture, i thought man they are ugly. I had surgery years ago and they did it wrong. I allways have had difficulties with my big toes, but not like this. I read they grow 0.03 a day, so this must be 30 day. The only things i changed was buying and training on a rowing machine and using coconutoil when i fry stuff
Looking For Tips On Supplements Or Anything That May Help?
Okay So My Most Recent Cortisol Test Came Back High..? Wtf? Every Test I’ve Done So Far Has Showed My Cortisol Was Practically Nonexistent.
Hey Girlies, Have Any Of You Been Prescribed Metformin? If So Has It Helped Your PCOS Or Did It Stay The Same?