I want to fast this year for the first time. What are your experiences with pcos and fasting? Its gonna be 40 days, starting feb 14th, till Easter.
I do physical hard work, so i do need my energy.
Hey @A myPCOSteam Member! I don't have a ton of experience fasting. I've been looking at women with PCOS on YouTube that talk about incorporating fasting into the PCOS diet. One woman said that she recommends fasting for about 12 hours and fitting that into a PCOS diet plan. I'll drop the link in this post if I find the video again. I've been taking vitamins that also act as dietary supplements. The main one I've been taking is Omega 3 gel capsules. I've been starting to feel like I don't need to eat as much. Omega 3 is good for PCOS symptoms, especially for controlling blood sugar/ insulin and for periods/ovulation.
Nice to talk to you again! I feel like I haven't communicated with you in a while on here!😊
Fasting…like not eating?! 😳 or not eating some things?
@A myPCOSteam Member Here is the link about fasting for PCOS: (10-minute video)
And use more time to do gardening and enjoying nature. Not reading my fanfiction(thats gonna be really hard!) And binging shows.
Normally its done by Catholic's in my country, and trough the years that has changes too. Like no fish, no sex during the fast. I am a Protestant Christian, and in my 'church' they said in 1600 that we dont need to do it no more. But i want to start doing this, as a part of my faith.
Its 40 days starting on Ash Wednesday, next week the 14th, excluding sundays, to Easter.
But I already dont eat meat, cause im vegetarian, no bf, so no sex. Only thing I can think of is only eating my morning meal with water, and my supper. A plain meal, like only veggies and potatoes. Nothing special.
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