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Top 10 search results for "Exercise" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Does Anyone Use Ozempic Or Wegovy?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

I can't loose weight now with diet and exercise. Probably because I am aging and 45. Dr wants to put me on wegovy. Anyone else using it?

A myPCOSteam Member

That is great! And cholesterol dropped! How much weight did you lose if you don't mind me asking?

Switch Ring Fit Game

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

Has anyone played ring fit for the switch? Does it help your body, not especially to lose weight, but to get fitter.
I ask, because one i open the package, i cant return it. And as its almost 66euros, i wanne be sure it does what its.supposed to do

A myPCOSteam Member

I would 100% recommend ring fit. When I got my diagnosis, it was one of the first things I bought to help lose the weight. It's been a life saver for me, mostly because it helped teach me how to exercā€¦ read more

Has Anyone On Here Tried Ozempic Or Any Similar Weight Loss/ Pcos Treatment Drugs?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

I am thinking about trying Ozempic. I want to see if I can get rid of some of the fat in my gut. I am already fasting, exercising, and trying different diets. I'm curious about what the results would be if I took Ozempic or something similar to it.

A myPCOSteam Member

@A myPCOSteam Member Thank you for your response! šŸ˜† I'm now on the Atkins diet and have changed my exercise plan. I may end up trying ozempic if my plans don't work out

How Can I Be A Nurse Living With PCOS

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

As a nursing student who has done clinical so far, I notice how it already takes a toll on my body. My family thinks I will be okay and get stronger by me eating healthy and working out. I understand what they are saying, but if I constantly go to the gym, my body feels exhausted, and I sleep almost all day if I can. Plus, I drink way too much coffee than the recommended amount, which I know does not help, but it's the only thing that keeps me awake. Unfortunately, it caused a cyst on my leftā€¦ read more

A myPCOSteam Member

Ugh I feel the ā€œhelpful Drā€ Iā€™m supposed to start nursing school this year and Iā€™m super nervous to be put in the same situation:( Iā€™ve even been asked if I ā€œthink I could handle nursing schoolā€ sinceā€¦ read more

Does Anyone Have Any Tips On Starting And Sustaining Exercises With PCOS?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

I am finding it hard to keep a routine and also having a hard time finding out what exercises work out best.
Any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated.

A myPCOSteam Member

Is your goal to lose weight? My goal is to keep losing weight but its sucb a struggle with this pcos ā€¦it sucks how we cysters have to work extra hard judt to lose weight but it is possible.

I Was Diagnosed PCOS 4 Yrs Ago. I Am 70 Kgs And Doctor Advised To Bring Down To 60 Kgs. Any Effective Weight Loss Suggestions Friends?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

I was diagnosed PCOS 4 yrs ago. I am 70 kgs and doctor advised to bring down to 60 kgs. I have tried some diet plans but didn't yield any result. Lost heart and stopped practising. Now that I am married i want to make myself fit before i plan for pregnancy. Badly need help in this. Any effective weight loss suggestions friends?

A myPCOSteam Member

Personally allergen free diet works best for me! Helps me keep the weight off and regulate my hormones as best as possible! I also try to workout as much as I can but I find when I stick to allergyā€¦ read more

Does Anyone Experience Very Little Heat Tolerance And Hot Flashes?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

I have hyperandrogenism (excessive male hormones) per my doctor which causes excessive sweating and hormonal body odor. I am a very hygienic person. I bathe daily and stuff, but it feels like no amount of antibacterial soap, antiperspirant/deodorant is enough to curb the smell. By midday, i find my body acting up. Detox pills, ACV have also been no help. It's so embarrassing and it feels like i have no control over my body. I'd do anything to find a cure. Any suggestions highly appreciated.

ā€¦ read more

A myPCOSteam Member

I feel the same girl!!! The frustration woth this annoying ass syndrome is real! Its so frustrating and i wish tge found a cure for this..this syndrome is every womans nightmare :( its horroble to beā€¦ read more

No Periods

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

Anyone else NEVER get a period?

I only do when I take Provera.

I have already tried Metformin, Vitex, weight loss, exercise, clean eating. Still have never had a cycle on my own.

I just started taking inositol, so I'll give that a shot for a few months to see if that helps at all. Any other ideas? Is there anything you have been able to do to naturally get a period?

A myPCOSteam Member

Iā€™m the same.,.I havenā€™t had a period in so long and Iā€™m trying to regulate my hormones so I can get one..I know of a YouTuber who had pcos and she didnā€™t have her period for 6 years die to pcos

Need Help To Find A Gyn/endocrinologist Doctor In Or Around College Park, MD Area With PCOS And Endometriosis Expertise

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

I'm 22 yrs old, not trying to have a baby now but was told a fertility doctor is better to go to for diagnosis and treatment for PCOS and endometriosis. Any doctors and information would be greatly appreciated.

A myPCOSteam Member

Just wanted to say, not sure if youā€™re still looking for a doctor but I finally went to go see the doctor that I posted the name/website. And she really caresā€¦sheā€™s literally the first doctor to lookā€¦ read more

What Do Yā€™all Take To Manage Your PCOS L? What Else Are Yā€™all Trying?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

I know diet and exercise play big part in the insulin part.

A myPCOSteam Member

The most helpful thing Iā€™ve taken is metformin but itā€™s not for everyone