How do you deal with hirsutism? I have hair all over my body and face, it really gets me down. Any advice on treatments or supplements to try?
I use to shave chin and neck everyday. I dont have 2 shave at all now. I use a natural serum and mask from Vie Line Cosmetics. Its not expensive either...I get it from www.vielinecosmetics.com
Has Anyone Used Vaniqa?
What Are Good Things To Eat For Breakfast And Lunch I Work 9 Hour Days So Has To Be Something I Cna Pack And Heat
I really like prepping breakfast burritos or overnight oats! You can add so many things into each of them, which makes them really customizable. I add chia seeds and protein powder to my overnight… read more
Weight Loss And Chin Hair
Best type of laser for chin hair and best weight loss treatment? I have tried a normal laser and it didnt work and i have tried contrave and it worked but once you get off you can have weight gain. I am taking metformin and that helps.
Don’t do laser! Or electrolysis! They both will stimulate terminal hairs (which are the thick dark ones we struggle with). I didn’t know this was possible until after I tried them both. The laser… read more
Any Advise For Subduing Or Getting Rid Of Hirsutism?
My hormones are balanced but I still deal with hirsutism on a daily basis. So much so that I shave (my face) every day, if not twice a day.
Website doesn’t work
Will My Facial Hair Growth Reduce From Weight Loss?
I have noticed that my facial hair grows back within the next day. Is this because of my weight gain and will it reduce when I lose weight? I can't even leave my house without having to shave as it's embarrassing.
Is There A Certain Diet To Follow
I follow a Mediterranean diet and cut out processed foods and fried foods. The Mediterranean diet is great for PCOS because it’s high in fiber and low in high-glycemic carbs. There are tons of… read more
Diagnosed With PCOS 3 Years Ago, I’m A Newbie (UK)
Hi Girls
I thought i would download this app to finally get some advice/answers and reassurance. I was diagnosed about three years ago after multiple NHS doctors putting me off and blaming my hirstutism on my Mediterranian roots. I have received no information on PCOS or any guidance to help me deal with my symptoms which is so frustrating.
I have had periods from the age of 13, but they have never been regular, they are so erratic and can range from 3 months to 18 months apart and its causes… read more
Hiya. I’m from the UK and had an awful experience with the NHS. I was diagnosed at the age of 16 (I’m 33 now) and the lady GP asked if I had the internet at home and then to google it! I could barely… read more
Does Anyone Know How To Get Vaniqa In The USA ? Also - How To Use It With Other Skin Care ?
I used Vaniqa in my early 30’s to help reduce excess chin hair and facial hair and it was effective, I got it on prescription in the uk. Moved to the USA and have no health insurance and no idea how to get it without paying a LOT... any tips ? Also .. does anyone use this regularly ? How do you use it as part of a skin care regime? Would be most grateful for more info
I am curious about this now
What Do You Find Helpful To Get Rid Of Facial Hair?
I’ve tried metformin, spironolactone, birth control(pills & patch). I lost 30lbs also. I just can’t seem to slow the growth of my facial hair.
Okay thank you can’t wait to see how’d it worked for you 🙂