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Why Is The Doctor Percribing Me Spironolactone?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

So the doctor had done a ultrasound on me on my first appointment seeing him and informed me that "it looks like my uterus lining is thick" so he prescribed me with 200mg progesterone for 10 days to thin out the lining and have my menstrual regulated. He mentioned that it should regulate my period which i havent had since age 22 and i am 33 right now. So i was excited thinking im about have my menstrual regulated again and have a chance to conceive which ive been trying the last 13 years with… read more

A myPCOSteam Member

Hi! I would first like to comment that it's odd he took what you said during your virtual meeting as a positive sign. If you took 200mg of progesterone for 10 days, you should have bled 1-3 days… read more

Is Everyone Who Is On Metformin Already Diagnosed With Diabetes Whether It’s Caused By PCOS Or Not?? Trying To Look Into It For Myself

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

My pcos causes cravings weight gain and weight loss issues and docs claim I’m overweight for family planning

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A myPCOSteam Member

I started Metformin after being diagnosed with Diabetes several years ago. I just this last year got my PCOS diagnosis. I definitely had the GI side effects, but the extended release helped lessen… read more

What Are Your Experiences With Metformin?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

I just started it a few days ago and so far so good. I will say that I have had tummy issues 2/3 days but it hasn’t been too much to handle!

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A myPCOSteam Member

I had some stomach pain and nausea, mostly at night, but it only lasted about 2 weeks! My most recent labs showed it has helped my hormones after 6 months on it so far. They're not perfect, but it's… read more

Mirena IUD And PCOS

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

Hi, I am 31, from UK, I am booked in to have my mirena fitted in a weeks time, bit nervous about pain due to some trauma but I am wondering about periods. I have not had one for 1.5 years now and scans show nothing? Anyway, will this bring on a period? Maybe not right away but in time?

A myPCOSteam Member

I, personally, am against an IUD. My sister had one and it caused her to have a stroke.
I have heard and read that people with our condition sound not take birth control either.

I'm Having 2 Periods A Month, This Month It Still Hasn't Stopped. Help!

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

It started 4 months ago, it was my normal 5 day period with all my normal mood swings, cramps, etc; then 10 days later, I start spotting. It's typically old blood (brown, stringy clots, rarely heavier than needing a size 1 pad or panty liner). This happened for 3 months. This month I had my period like normal but I haven't stopped bleeding. No break in between. It's no longer period blood but the old stuff. I'm on day 17 straight of bleeding. I'm taking my meds (metformin, spironolactone… read more

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A myPCOSteam Member

My best friend in school had 2 also, she found out she had endometriosis. I’d have doctors check you for that, as endometriosis and PCOS are closely related.

My Periods Were Always Very Few And Far Between, But I Have Now Not Had A Period For Two Years. Should I Be Concerned And Contact My GP?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

Started periods at age 17, went on the pill at 18 so no real way of monitoring regularity of cycles. Tried to conceive from 2016-2021 but made the decision to stop fertility treatment. Have a very healthy and active lifestyle, healthy weight but would gain weight easily if I was not careful. No period at all now for 2 years. Not sure if this is a cause for concern and whether I should contact my GP.

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A myPCOSteam Member

Yes definitely contact your doctor, not having a period is unhealthy. It causes a thickening of your lining and could cause other problems such as cancer if not treated.

I've Been Experiencing Significant Memory Issues .Wonder There Is A Link Between PCOS And Cognitive Function?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

I sought help from neuroscientists at various hospitals. However, they seemed skeptical, implying that I'm too young to be facing such memory problems. I'm starting to wonder if there's a relationship between PCOS and cognitive function, especially since hormonal imbalances, like those caused by testosterone, are known to affect memory.

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A myPCOSteam Member

Don’t quote me on this but I believe that there is a link between the two.

What Was Your Experience With Cognitive Decline And Brain Fog?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

Did you experience it?
How bad was it?
Did it affect your daily life?
How do you know it was because of your PCOS?
Did it get better with treatment?
And to what extent did it get better?

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A myPCOSteam Member

Hahaha well I’m glad I made a little sense. And that also makes a lot of sense for stress to be causing/worsening cognitive difficulties as well. Oogly boogly life in general seems stressful! lol. And… read more

I Have Been Bleeding For Months Now (between Really Light To Really Heavy) And I Don’t Have Insurance. What Should I Do?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

On the heavy days I lose clots that range to tiny all the way to 1/3 the size of my palm. I’m gay so there’s no way I’m miscarrying.

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A myPCOSteam Member

I understand this problem. I have been bleeding every day since December 8, 2022. I similarly have clots that are varying sizes, similar to yours. It is scary, and I am so sorry you are going… read more

Does Anyone Experience Very Little Heat Tolerance And Hot Flashes?

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

I have hyperandrogenism (excessive male hormones) per my doctor which causes excessive sweating and hormonal body odor. I am a very hygienic person. I bathe daily and stuff, but it feels like no amount of antibacterial soap, antiperspirant/deodorant is enough to curb the smell. By midday, i find my body acting up. Detox pills, ACV have also been no help. It's so embarrassing and it feels like i have no control over my body. I'd do anything to find a cure. Any suggestions highly appreciated.

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A myPCOSteam Member

I feel the same girl!!! The frustration woth this annoying ass syndrome is real! Its so frustrating and i wish tge found a cure for this..this syndrome is every womans nightmare :( its horroble to be… read more